The class of 6C/6F & Weng Laoshi

Where fun learning of Chinese takes place!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Attention all 6C pupils.

may u all add Mr. Lim at as if thr is a class reunion he canns contact you.

hoppe all of u are doing well in sec skool. miss u all. miss those fun mani mani.


from: VIGI.


Heys all (:
JANA here.
After everyone leave ZPS like everyone neglect this blog le
Going to be dead blog soon
So i post for fun
Hahas xDD

To Everyone :
How's your new school?
JY in sec 1 (:
Cannot be like me lorr
So slack =X
Then almost sleep in class
During Chinese lesson read book get confistcated =X
Lol, badbad example.


Which class you teaching tis year??
Miss your teaching lols.
My tis year Chinese teacher is from China and damn LKK-.-
Make us copy notes from DICTIONARY -_-
Then always shout shout shout,
Lesson so boring one...
Your lesson better no nid 'Bi Ji' and so much more interesting

Ok, i gotta go.
Have like 17 pages of History -.-" ( i have a insane teacher)
Have to chiong liao xDD
Cya guys. Tc.
Hope have ClassReunion soon =D

Yours Truly,